Fiberoptics and AP Customer HostAbout
Gary loves working with wood, animals, and fishing while Debbie loves her horses, dogs, cats, catfishing, and family.Highlights
Debbie’s journey began prior to December 2020, she was declared CANCER FREE June 23, 2022, and she and husband Gary have been greatly involved with Pink Fishing, through television, radio, newspaper, and working events as volunteers. They have become a huge part of our Pink Fishing family, and we are forever grateful! Glory be to God!Statement
Now it’s time to continue life with a new vision. Committed to enjoy every moment, to make every new minute of life worth more than the last minute. I have a date that will be forever etched in my mind….. 12/30/2020, I need help, I need a diagnostic mammogram, I have no insurance, Misty Schmidt referred me to you, Pink Fishing, Inc. I have not been diagnosed, I just know that I have a lump and need a special mammogram.
Pink Fishing is our family, they helped our family through her breast cancer. They gave Debbie hope, inspiration, love, and prayers everything she needed and that meant so much.