Sharon Craven

Sharon Craven


Nashville, Michigan


I enjoy fishing with my husband Rich, especially Lake St Clair, where we catch monster smallmouth. I have also from time to time over the years, fished competitively with him having fun and making a little money to boot. I enjoy the times when we get to take our granddaughters Sage and Alexa fishing with us, teaching them to fish and what the great outdoors has to offer.


Team Pink Fishing


Breast cancer runs deep on my side of the family. Over the last 29 years of our marriage, my husband and I have had the misfortune of losing some of my aunts to this dreaded disease. We have seen firsthand how breast cancer affects not only the individual, but the family and friends as well. Our neighbor of the last 20 plus years who is also a widow, had a double mastectomy, but has been cancer free for the last 10 years. It has been nice to see her still upbeat and doing things since she has been declared “cancer” free. She always has a twinkle in her eye. I am happy to see that a great program such as Pink Fishing has entered our fishing communities to make individuals and organizations more aware of breast cancer. I am sure that by joining the Team Pink Fishing staff that together we can help spread breast cancer awareness…”one cast at a time” with such a great organization as Pink Fishing.